Hole Table

KeyCreator Detail Notes Hole Table

Location: Detail>Notes>Hole Table

For Hole Table dialog descriptions, click the desired link below:

Hole Table Formatting Dialog Box

Hole Table Formatting Dialog Panes

Legend Format Pane

Primary Units Pane


Using the Function

Use this function to display a table on the viewport that describes one or more holes in geometry. Also, use the function to control the appearance of this table.

  1. Open or create geometry that has one or more holes.

  2. Click Detail>Notes>Hole Table. The Hole Table dialog box appears.

  3. Configure the settings on the Hole Table dialog box as desired. For details, see Hole Table Formatting Dialog Box.

  4. In the tree on the left, click Header Format. The Header Format pane appears.

  5. Configure the settings on the Header Format pane as desired. For details, see Hole Table Formatting Dialog Panes.

  6. In the tree, select Attributes under Header Format. The Header Attributes pane appears.

  7. Configure the settings on the Attributes pane as desired. For similar details, see Attributes by Selection.

  8. In the tree, select Body Text Format. The Body Text Format pane appears.

  9. Configure the settings on the Body Text Format pane as desired. For details, see Hole Table Formatting Dialog Panes.

  10. In the tree, select Attributes under Body Text Format. The Body Text Attributes pane appears.

  11. Configure the settings on the Body Text Attributes pane as desired. For similar details, see Attributes by Selection.

  12. In the tree, select GridLine Attributes. The GridLine Attributes pane appears.

  13. Configure the settings on the GridLine Attributes pane as desired. For similar details, see Colors/Attributes.

  14. In the tree, select Legend Format. The Legend Format pane appears.

  15. Configure the settings on the Legend Format pane as desired. For details, see Hole Table Legends Pane.

  16. In the tree, select Primary Units. The Primary Units pane appears.

  17. Configure the settings on the Primary Units pane as desired. For details, see Hole Table Primary Units Pane.

  18. Click OK. The prompt on the Conversation Bar asks you to select the holes for the table.

  19. Click anywhere on the desired holes and then click Accept. The prompt asks you to select the reference position. This is asking you to click the point on the geometry from which you want the holes to be measured. This can be anywhere on the geometry, but users often select a lower left corner of the geometry. The table appears and moves with the mouse.

  20. Click the viewport where you want to place the table. The table appears on the viewport.

Note: If desired, use View>Zoom to improve the view. If desired, change text height of hole labels and table letters: Edit>Entities, click letters, click Header Format or Body Text Format, change value in Text height field. Click OK. Also if desired, you can open again and use the Hole Table Formatting Dialog Box.

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