Hole Table Formatting Dialog Box Panes

Hole Table Formatting Dialog Box Panes

Below are descriptions of the Hole Table Fonts/Style, Body Text Format and GridLine Attributes Panes

(For the other panes, click as appropriate, Hole Table Formatting, Legend Format or Primary Units.)


Hole Table Header Format pane, the Body Text Format pane or GridLine Attributes pane, all shown below, appears when you click Detail>Notes>Hole Table, and then click Header Format , Body Text Format or GridLine Attributes.

KeyCreator Detail Notes Hole Table format dialog


KeyCreator Detail Notes Hole Table format 2

KeyCreator Note Hole Table Grid Attributes




Dialog Options

Select the font you want to use in the table.

Text height

Type the desired height of text you want to use in the table.

Aspect ratio

Type a value for the character width-to-height ratio of text in the table.

Line spacing %

Type a value for the amount of space between successive lines of text in the table (0 to 1000).

Slant angle

Type a slant angle for the text in the table (-360 to 360).

Sup/Sub scale

Type the scale that you want for superscript and subscript text, with respect to the text height (0 to 1000).

Filled font

Select to use filled font in the table.


Select to use underlined text in the table.

Use component attributes

Select so that the different parts of the hole table can have different attributes. You define the attributes of the individual parts on the Header Format Attributes and Body Text Attributes panes.

Strike through

Select to use text in the table that has a line through it.

Mirror text

Select to use text in the table that has a mirror effect.


Select the desired justification of table text.


Select the desired reading direction of text.

Text anchor

For Header Format: Select the desired dot of the nine shown to determine (1) the location of the mouse pointer on the table as a guide for placing the table on the viewport,and (2) the location of the header text in each header-text cell.


For Body Text Format: Select the desired dot of the nine shown to determine the location of the body text in each body-text cell.


For descriptions of the dialog options of the GridLine Attributes pane, see the descriptions of the Color/Attributes pane of the Properties dialog box (File>Properties>Color/Attributes).

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