Generic Burst

KeyCreator Burst


Use the Generic Burst function to burst features, fasteners, mechanical elements, composites, assemblies, layout instances, detail text, and part references. Using dynamic selection, left mouse click when the entity you want to modify is highlighted.

NOTE: This function replaces the following options: Tools>Assemblies>Burst, Tools>Composite>Burst, Layout>Instance>Burst Instance, and Detail>Note-Text to-Geometry.


Notes on Bursting:

The following segments detail the behavior of the Generic Burst function during specific applications:

Bursting Composites

This function can be used to remove all entities from a composite(s), while leaving the composite itself intact.

Bursting Assembly Part References

Use to copy geometry from the referenced part to the current part. Only the visible elements of the part reference are converted by this function. With that in mind, if elements of the part reference reside on an un-displayed level, those elements will not be recreated in the current part. The part after the burst will be identical to the part as it was prior to bursting.

When a part reference is burst, the levels and geometry from the referenced part are recreated as children of the level containing the reference.

NOTE: To burst part references without unintentionally bursting other entity types, specify the Part References entity type in the Set Filter dialog. This dialog will appear when you select All Display>By Type as your selection method.

Bursting Layout Instances

Use to convert a drawing instance from instance-specific to layout-specific geometry. Remember that once an instance is burst, the layout-specific geometry cannot be changed back to instance-specific geometry, so it is wise to make a backup copy before bursting.

Once a drawing instance or entire layout is burst, its association, or link, is broken to the part file in Model mode. That is, the two are disassociated. If you return to Model mode, modify the original part file and then return to Layout mode, you will see the changes you made reflected only in instances that you did not burst.

You will notice that no visible changes take place when an entity, instance, or layout is burst. However, the program has actually deleted the specified instance-specific geometry and replaced it with layout-specific geometry. The program does this by creating an exact copy of any entities as they appear and blanking the original instance-specific geometry.

When using the Burst options available in Layout Mode, be sure to keep the following in mind:

  • Once a drawing instance has been burst, it is deleted, so it can no longer be modified by the available instance options.

  • The original part in Model mode is not altered when instances are burst.

  • To save different layout revisions and keep the original intact, burst all instances in a copy of the layout.

  • Bursting an instance destroys the instance, so no blanking occurs.

  • To make sure that the program has burst the instance you had intended, use Layout>Display Instance Geometry. If the program does not highlight the instance entities, it will indicate that they have become layout-specific (Burst).

Detail-Note-Text to-Geometry

The Generic Burst function can be used to move contents of the text file into a part file, so that the note is now standalone. It breaks the association made by the File Link option.

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