Moving a Light Entity

KeyCreator Move

When moving a light entity, you do not use the Conversation Bar like you do when doing a generic move of other entities. Rather, you do so using the Light dialog box as shown and described below.

Using the Function:
  1. Click Edit>Entites>Move.

  2. Click the light entity. The Light dialog box appears.

  3. Enter the desired values. (In the case of a spot light entity, you can edit the light entity also.) The light entity moves to the new location.


Light Dialog Box:

There is a Light dialog box for each of the three kinds of light entities.

For Local Light Entity:

Position (X, Y, Z) – the position coordinates of the light entity on the viewport


For Distant Light Entity:

Position X, Y, Z – the position coordinates of the light entity on the viewport

Target Position(X, Y, Z) – the position coordinates of the area on the light entity where the light shines


For Spot Light Entity:

Position (X, Y, Z) – the position coordinates of the light entity on the viewport

Target Position (X, Y, Z) – the position coordinates of the area on the light entity where the light shines

For descriptions of the remaining elements of the Light dialog for a spot light entity, see Spot Light Properties.

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