Drawing Instances

A drawing instance is an entity that represents a Model mode view of the part file. Even though it appears as though each instance contains a number of entities much like a part file would, each entire drawing instance is treated as only one entity. When a new layout is created, you are able to define the default drawing scale at which each drawing instance will be created in the layout. When individual instances are called up, you can specify the rotation angle, view at which each instance will load, and the rendering method for each instance, as well as where each instance will be positioned in the layout. Drawing instances can be edited using the Instance>Utilities options.

  • When you first position a drawing instance in a layout, it contains instance-specific geometry only. You can later burst the entire instance, or an entity within the instance to convert it to layout-specific geometry. See the sections that follow for more information in this regard.

  • When working with layout instances, it will be important to keep the following in mind:

  • A drawing instance can display any or all of the levels available in the model.

  • Instances retain a scale, size, and center and border locations between sessions.

  • Once a drawing instance has been placed in a layout, its drawing scale, rotation angle, view, and location can be edited using the Instance editing options.

  • Transform>Move can be used to move instances within a layout.


To view information on a Drawing Instances topic, click on the appropriate link below:


Modifying Drawing Instances

Deleting Drawing Instances

Drawing Instances Window


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