Using Levels in Layout Mode

A layout can contain an arbitrary number of levels. Each Layout has its own levels, separate from model and other layouts. For a more comprehensive look at how Levels are used, see Levels. In this segment, we will take a look at how the levels concept applies to Layout mode and how this concept can aid your layout design. The levels of a model being displayed by a drawing instance within a layout can be viewed and manipulated through the Drawing Instances tree window, explained below.

To create a layout of a part with levels, enter Layout mode and position different views, or instances, of the entire part in your first drawing layout.

When you first enter Layout mode, the default active level is 1. As a result, unless the active level is manually changed, the drawing instances that you create will be placed on active level 1. It is recommended that you remember what the current active level is when elements are added to the layout. To better organize your layout contents, it will be wise to consider where such contents will be placed, per the current active level. For instance, if you intend to place detailing entities on a level (or levels) separate from the current active level, you would simply change the active level and any entities created from then on, or until the active level is changed again, will be placed on the level you had indicated. Realize that the active level must be changed before you begin detailing, or adding any other elements, in order for them to be placed on the level you had intended.

To change the active level, simply create a new level, or select an existing level from the expanded Levels list, right-click on the particular level that you intend to make active and select "Make Active" from the context sensitive menu that appears.


To view information on a Levels topic, click the appropriate link below:

Levels Window

Layout Instance Tab

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