Chain Selecting Pattern

Chain Selecting Patterns


Selection Options:

When Chain is the active selection method, the following button options appear when the Pattern button option is selected. If none of the available options is selected, all duplicates will highlight when the cursor is dragged over a repeated face.

Bodies - This method allows for selection of whole bodies.

Faces - This method allows for the selection of single repeated faces, not connected groups.

Single - This method allows for the selection of all patterns in a single body (the body directly under the mouse cursor).

Partial - This method allows for the selection of partial matches that are not complete. When this option is used, all faces that match the faces of the selected feature but are not part of whole matching features are highlighted in red.

SubBody - This method allows for the selection of parts of bodies (sub-bodies) and not whole bodies.

SubFeatures - This method allows for the selection of sub-features.

Orient - This method allows for selection of two bodies that are identically orientated.

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