Shortcut Keys

Shortcut Keys

Shortcut Keys are key combinations which accelerate the selection of frequently used functions. Assigned shortcuts appear in ToolTips and pull-down menus in parenthesis to the right of the function name.

Standard Keyboard Shortcuts
Standard Windows
Function Submenu Pop-ups
Key Combination
Key Combination
Key Combination
File New Ctrl+N Set Attributes Ctrl+A Line Submenu L
File Open Ctrl+O Dimension Driven Edit Ctrl+D Arc Submenu A
File Save Ctrl+S Quick Dimension Ctrl+Q Circle Submenu  C
File Save As Ctrl+F Remove Face(s) Ctrl+R Create Feature Menu F
Close Window Ctrl+F4 Dynamic Transform Ctrl+T Rectangle Submenu R
Print Ctrl+P Dynamic Face(s) Ctrl+W Solid Face Menu S
Print Preview Ctrl+Shift+P Edit Entity Ctrl+E Point Menu O
Undo Ctrl+Z Move Entity Ctrl+M Trim Submenu T
Redo Ctrl+Y or Ctrl+Shift+Z Toggle Model-Layout
Ctrl+L Break Submenu K
Cut to Clipboard Ctrl+C Set Selection Mask Ctrl+K Primitives Submenu P
Paste from Clipboard Ctrl+V Set Display View Alt+S Boolean Submenu B
Help Contents Alt+F1 Set Construction Pane Alt+Z Blend Submenu D
Help for Selected Item Shift+F1 Modify Feature Submenu M
Delete Delete Button Surface Submenu U
Swept Solid Submenu W
Trim-Split Submenu X
Spline Submenu I
Note Submenu N
Pop Up Toolbars
Docked Toolbars
Control Bars
Key Combination
​Key Combination
​Key Combination
Create toolbar Shift+C History Bar Shift+H Tree Window Shift+W
Modify toolbar Shift+F Position Snap Bar Shift+P Part Splitter Shift+A
Detail toolbar Shift+D View Cplane toolbar Shift+V
X-form toolbar Shift+X Navigation toolbar Shift+N
Default Mouse Button Shortcuts

For a diagram: Viewport Navigation Shortcuts  Diagram

Viewport Navigation
Mouse Button + Drag Combination
Mouse Button + Drag Combination
Zoom Fit All (Auto scale) Hold Right + Drag South Previous View Hold Right + Drag Northeast
Zoom Window Hold Right + Drag Southeast to West Toggle Quad Single Viewport Hold Right + Drag Northeast
Zoom Half Hold Right + Drag West Pan Hold Middle & Right + Drag
Zoom Double Hold Right + Drag East Re-center Viewport Middle
Rotate Hold Middle + Drag
Additional Standard Keyboard Shortcuts
View, C-Plane and Viewport Navigation, (also see Mouse Shortcuts above)
Key Combination
​Key Combination
​Key Combination
Pan Up Up Arrow Right View Alt+5 Rotate Counter-clockwise Shift+Pg Down
Pan Down Down Arrow Left View Alt+6 Top Cplane Ctrl+1
Pan Left Left Arrow Isometric View Alt+7 Front Cplane Ctrl+2
Pan Right Right Arrow Rotate Up Shift+Up Arrow Back Cplane Ctrl+3
Top View Alt+1 Rotate Down Shift+Down Arrow Bottom Cplane Ctrl+4
Front View Alt+2 Rotate Left Shift+Left Arrow Right Cplane Ctrl+5
Back View Alt+3 Rotate Right Shift+Right Arrow Left Cplane Ctrl+6
Bottom View Alt+4 Rotate Clockwise Shift+Page Up
Conversation Bar
Key Combination
​Key Combination
​Key Combination
Menu Button 1 F1 Menu Button 8 F8 Temporary Enable-Disable Selection List* Hold Ctrl
Menu Button 2 F2 Menu Button 9 F9 Temporary Enable-Disable Position Snap* Hold Ctrl
Menu Button 3 F4 Menu Button 10 (F11) F11 Temporary Enable-Disable Dynamic Selection* Hold Ctrl
Menu Button 4 F4 Skip Done in Function (F12) F12, end, Ctrl+R Btn Next Entity (Dynamic Selection) (Spacebar)
Menu Button 5 F5 Accept OK Entry in Function Enter, R Btn Temporary Reverse Order (Dynamic Selection)* Hold Shift
Menu Button 6 F6 Backup in Function F10, Bcksp, M Btn Anchor Location or Behavior Toggle Key Left of 1
Menu Button 7 F7

You can customize all defaults, and you can assign multiple Shortcut Keys to the same function. For information on customizing Shortcut Keys, click  here.

*These keys are not customizable.

NOTE: Shortcut Keys are often referred to as Accelerator Keys or Hot Keys throughout the Help system.

NOTE: See  Alternative Keyboard Shortcuts  for a list of the shortcut key assignments for the KeyCreator 9 and CADKEY Classic keyboard files.

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