History Bar

History Bar

The History Bar, a non-customizable system toolbar, is open in the default workspace. It can be turned off with the short-cut Shift+H. It is docked beneath the display windowt. Like other toolbars, it can be "undocked" and relocated elsewhere in the workspace. When a function or feature is used in KeyCreator, its corresponding program icon is sent to the History Bar for quick re-selection. The most recently used will appear at the far right. The last used listing in the history bar will appear in each new session of KeyCreator when Tools>Options>Startup, Save Current Workspace on exist is checked on.

TIP: Program icons for commonly used functions can be dragged and placed onto a custom toolbar for easier accessibility. This is most useful when a submenu function is frequently in use. Use a Workspaces>Save feature to save your custom toolbar.

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