Verify Distance Data

When you verify a distance, the following data will appear in the "Data Verify" dialog box: 

  • Minimum projected distance - The selected position and entity projected to the current construction plane.  The minimum distance is calculated between the two projections

  • Projected pt1 - The X, Y, Z cplane coordinate values of the projected intersection point of the minimum distance line and the first position or geometric entity.

  • Projected pt2 - The X, Y, Z cplane coordinate values of the projected intersection point of the minimum distance line and the second position or geometric entity. 

  • Minimum actual distance - The minimum distance between the selected position and entities in 3D space.

  • Actual pt1- The world coordinate values of the end point of the actual minimum distance line at the first position or geometric entity.

  • Actual pt2 - The world coordinate values of the end point of the actual minimum distance line at the second position or geometric entity.

  • Delta - Delta values of the world coordinate values.

  • Actual pt1- The X, Y, Z world coordinates.

  • Actual pt2 - The X, Y, Z world coordinates.

  • Delta - Delta values of the X, Y, Z view coordinates.

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