Static Interference Check

KeyCreator Verify Static Interference

Use this function to verify the containment and intersection status of multiple solid objects.


Using the Function:
  1. Select Static Interference Check from the Tools>Verify submenu.

  2. You will be prompted to Check for solids totally contained within other solids (slower)? This will determine what kind of Boolean intersection will occur. Select YES or NO. NO is the default selection, and is the quickest procedure of the two. When YES is selected, the program will check for full containment, and will determine intersections even if one body is completely contained in another body.

  3. Select the solids you wish to verify using the Universal Selection Menu. Solids from part references can be selected, as well as solids in the active part. The computation begins when ACCEPT/OK is selected. You can view the progress in the indicator that appears. A count of the interferences that are encountered is shown on the prompt line.

  4. View the results. The rendering mode is switched automatically to Gouraud Shaded*HIDS_RENDER_SMOOTH. Solids without any interferences are blanked (made invisible). Solids that contain interferences are made transparent. New solids are created from the interferences and shaded red, on a new level named ”r;Static Interference Check #x,” where ”r;x” is the number (starting with 1) and increasing incrementally with each additional test.

  5. While the menu is active, you can pan, zoom and dynamically rotate the model(s) to better observe the interferences. To return to the Normal rendering mode (no blanking or transparency), click BACKUP or ESCAPE.

  6. Click WALK to tour the interferences. This will highlight and zoom in on (based on the Smooth Transitions setting) each of the interferences. During the tour, click NEXT or PREV to navigate the list of interferences. You can change the display view at any time. Click BACKUP or ESCAPE to exit the tour.

NOTE: If the ACIS Boolean intersection fails, an interference solid cannot be created. However, it will still be considered an interference, and when you walk through the interference it will zoom to the extents of the two intersecting bodies. A failure of a particular Boolean intersection will not prevent the remaining solids from being tested. If two solids interfere in more than volume, each volume will be treated as a different interference.

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