Ellipse Verify Information

If an ellipse entity is selected for verification, the following data will appear in the "Data Verify" dialog box.

  • A B C D E F - Quadratic coefficients.

  • Angle - Angle between the major axis and definition view coordinate X axis.

  • Center XD YD ZD - Center of the ellipse in definition view coordinates.

  • Center X Y Z - Center of the ellipse in world coordinates.

  • Conic type = Ellipse - Selected conic type.

  • Eccentricity - Measure of circularity of the ellipse.

  • End point XD YD ZD - End point of the ellipse in definition view coordinates.

  • End point X Y Z- End point of the ellipse in world coordinates.

  • Focus point: XD YD ZD - First focus in definition view coordinates.

  • Focus point: X Y Z - First focus in world coordinates.

  • Focus point: XD YD ZD - Second focus in definition view coordinates.

  • Focus point: X Y Z  - Second focus in world coordinates.

  • Major Axis: End point: XD YD ZD- End point of the major axis in definition view coordinates.

  • Major Axis: End point: X Y Z - End point of the major axis in world coordinates.

  • Major Axis Length - Length of the major axis.

  • Major Axis: Start point: XD YD ZD - Start point of the major axis in definition view coordinates.

  • Major Axis: Start point: X Y Z - Start point of the major axis in world coordinates.

  • Minor Axis: End point: XD YD ZD - End point of the minor axis in definition view coordinates.

  • Minor Axis: End point: X Y Z - End point of the minor axis in world coordinates.

  • Minor Axis Length - Length of the minor axis.

  • Minor Axis: Start point: XD YD ZD - Start point of the minor axis in definition view coordinates.

  • Minor Axis: Start point: X Y Z - Start point of the minor axis in world coordinates.

  • Start point XD YD ZD - Start point of the ellipse in definition view coordinates.

  • Start point X Y Z - Start point of the ellipse in world coordinates.

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