Attribute Information
Depending upon what entities are selected for verification, some or all of the following attributes will appear in the "Data Verify" dialog box:
Arrow - The arrow style number.
Aspect - The character aspect ratio.
Color - A numerical value representing the entity's color.
Defined View - The view at which the entity was created.
Entity - The type of entity, such as line, arc, point, etc.
Form - A reference number assigned to an entity type.
Group Name - The group name of the entity.
Group Number - The group reference number (1-128).
Level - The level where the entity exists.
Pen - The pen number of the entity.
Style - The line type or font value of the entity.
Subgroup # - The subgroup number of the entity.
Text Height - The text height.
Type - A reference number assigned to the entity you select from the database.
Unique ID - An ID number based on where the entity is in the database.
Width - The line width value of the entity.