Chamfer Edges

Use the Chamfer Edges function to apply a chamfer to the edges of a solid body.
Dialog Options:

Enter a chamfer length in the editable field. This length will be used when the chamfer is applied. By default, the chamfer length is 0.25.
By Angle or Second Length
These options allow you to determine the chamfer size by specifying angle or second length. If you specified anything other than 45° or equal lengths, you will be prompted to first select the edge for the chamfer, and then the face for the First Length.
Angle – Enter an angle to be used when the chamfer size is determined.
Second Length – Enter a second length to be used when the chamfer size is determined.
Chamfer along smoothly joined edges – When you need to blend connected edges that continue smoothly (no abrupt change in tangent) from the selected edges, select the Chamfer along smoothly joined edges checkbox.
Do Interference Checking – Allows for the ability to check for features that might interfere with the path of the chamfer surface and allows the blend to complete properly despite the interference. Interference's such as holes, protrusions or other geometric features normally would cause the chamfer to fail or to complete but cause a self-intersecting solid. Enabling this checkbox prevents self-intersections from occurring and allows the chamfer to complete properly.
Preview Chamfer -
Using the Function:
Select Chamfer Edges from the Chamfer>Solid Chamfer submenu.
The Chamfer Edges dialog appears (see above). Configure the dialog options, and click OK.
Select the edge(s) to be chamfered.
Below > The result of a chamfer applied to the block on the left with dimensions of 3.5 and 5. Chamfer: Edges was used with a Radius of .5. The two top edges closest to the viewer were selected after clicking OK in the dialog. The modified block is shown in on the right.