Detail Edit Dialog Options

When you change the attributes of a detail entity, the detail edit dialog box is displayed after you select the detail entity (or entities) you intend to modify. This dialog is the same as the Detail Options dialog box except the detail edit dialog populated olny with those options needed for the selected detail entity. See Detail Style Editor and the related topic links there for descriptions of the options on this dialog.

If different detail entities are selected for modification, additional panes are displayed in the dialog box, as they relate to the selected entities. Settings that have checkboxes by default will have "tri-state" checkboxes when the dialog appears in Edit mode.

  • text-indent: 0px;"> Mixed – A mixed checkbox is grayed out, and contains a checkmark. When a checkbox is "mixed," the status of the setting(s) to which it is associated will not change.

  • text-indent: 0px;"> Checked – Contains a checkmark. When a checkbox is selected, the setting(s) to which it is associated is enabled.

  • text-indent: 0px;"> Unchecked – An empty box. When a checkbox is empty, the setting(s) to which it is associated is disabled.

Note: A check box may appear to the left of every field that has a drop box. This check box appears only when the values for that field are different in the details selected.  When the check box is selected, the field is available and allows you to set the value for all the dimensions selected for editing.

Detail Entities that can be Modified:
The following is a list of the various detail entities that can be modifed and their related pages in the detail edit dialog box:


Notes, Datums, Datum Targets

When you select these detail entities for editing, only the Note page will be displayed.

Balloons, Generic Dimensions (manual dimensions), Geo Tol Symbols, Labels, Surface Textures

When you select these entities for editing, the Note and Leader/Witness pages only will be displayed.

General Dimensions

When you select the general dimensions for editing, all but the Note page will be displayed.

Coordinate Dimensions

When you select coordinate dimensions for editing, the General, Leader/Witness, and Text pages will be displayed.

Leader/Witness Lines

If you select leader/witness lines for editing, the Leader/Witness page will be displayed.

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