Selecting the Extrusion Vector

When By Vector is selected under Direction, you are prompted to define a vector after the planar face to be extruded has been selected. The extrusion vector is defined through the following menu options that appear in the Conversation Bar.

Menu Options:
KeyCreator Create Swept Solid Extrude Vector Options



  • 2 points - Select the base point of the vector, then the tip point.

  • Line - The vector will point in the direction of the chosen line entity.

  • Vector - Select an existing vector.

  • Tangent - Select an existing curve at its tangent location. Use The DynaHandle arrow to indicate position and orientation.

  • Prp2Pln - Select an entity or use selection options to define perpendicular plane. Define either the Y axis or use Cplane Z Axis. Use the DynaHandle arrow to indicate position and orientation

  • Keyin - Enter the I,J,K direction cosines of the vector. Cursor indicate the base position and move the DynaHandle arrow to indicate position and orientation.

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