

Using levels, you are able to separate a part into different overlays, or layers, to best comply with your method of design. Each level can be viewed separately or with other levels. You are allowed to specify, or change, level assignments at any time. The display of levels can be toggled on/off, and entities can be moved from one level to another by either right clicking the destination level name and choosing move entities option or by left click drag and drop.

Levels are managed through a splitter window that can be compressed to minimum size, expanded to maximum size or a partial state manually or with a hot key. This is a tree-based display that better handles the new file format and assemblies concepts. This window is tabbed to integrate other displays such as Assemblies. Double clicking on a level in the tree will expand or contract the selected node.

The level tree exists for both model and layout modes. The layout mode level list shows the instance count and has an additional Instance tab discussed below.

NOTE: The level modification options and related level material not discussed here are documented under levels Menu. Please refer there for expanded information regarding the use of Levels.

KeyCreator Drafting General Interface Levels List Tree
Above > Example of the Levels list

Level Column function:
Level Name-

By default the level name is defined as unnamed until given a name. To name right click on the level name and use Change Name or left click highlight name and change. If the level structure is supported for a file export type the level name should follow the export. Take care however when using special characters in the naming of levels as they may not be supported in other applications.


As you create levels they will receive the next number in sequence unless you change the value. If the level has a number, then that number of each level, and its parents, can be used as a unique identifier within the level’s part. For instance, if level 1 has a sub level 5, which has a sub level 4, then we can uniquely identify that bottom-most level as "Level 1.5.4". Use the right click context menu or left click highlight the level number to change the numbering. You can move or copy entities based on the level number.


The active level designates that the level will receive all focus for the current session unless changed. You can have an active level not displayed while displaying another level and all work will reflect this state, example: Level 1 active not displayed, level 2 displayed, create a line and it will not display but will be listed on level 1.


When checked the entities on a selectable level can be highlighted and modified as needed. When unchecked selection prohibited, example: Level one has 10 points and selectable is unchecked, level 2 is active and you try to Copy Entities to level using all display-All, you will receive an unselectable error or only the other selectable levels entities will be copied.


The entities present on a given level are enumerated in the count column. Any sublevels are listed within parenthesize. This is useful when troubleshooting issues like duplicate entities or verifying entity types on a given level (use the right click context menu and choose Count Entities to get the entity list for a given level.)


You can define color attributes for a level so that any entities created on the level will receive that color. This will remain true unless you change the entities attributes or the entities color attributes are predefined. Example, Level 1 is active, displayed and given the color red, Change system attributes in Edit> System Settings>Attributes>change color to green, any new entities created will have green as the color on level 1.


Operate in the same manner as Color, system attributes will take precedence.


Provides additional information for a given level.

Layout Instance Tab-
KeyCreator Drafting General Layout Instance Tab

The instance tab displays the instance view as the parent levels and the sublevels show the entities associated with that instance view. Left click on the instance view name to highlight the instance in the layout. You can undisplay/display levels associated with the model as needed in the display column or highlight levels and right click to display/undisplay multiple levels. The level number listed in this tab refers to the level the entities reside on in model mode. All other columns should behave as explained above.

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