Immediate Mode Commands

Immediate Mode Commands

Immediate Mode Ccommands allow you to access quickly several of the functions that are used most. Some of the program functions are Immediate Mode Commands. These do not interrupt your current command. When the command completes, you are returned to the previous prompt. Other commands cause the current command to exit.

There are two ways to tell that you are in an Immmediate Mode Command:

  • After you begin a command, such as Create>Line>Endpoints, the second-from-the-left field of the KeyCreator Status bar displays that command's tooltip (Line Endpoints), like that shown below.

Then, when you enter an Immediate Mode Command, such as Edit>Delete>Single, the tooltip (Delete Single) is displayed in reverse (the text and background colors are swapped), like that shown below.
KeyCreator Drafting General Imediate Mode Command

  • When you exit an Immediate Mode Command, finishing it or by pressing Cancel on the Conversation Bar, the previous command is still active.

NOTE: Some Immediate Mode commands will perform differently depending on whether model or layout mode is the active mode. 

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