Position Menu

Position Menu

For many of the options you use, you are required to indicate a position or location in 3D space. The position options are available from the Position Menu that is displayed when such data is required. For example, when you attempt to create a line, you are required to enter two positions; one for the start point and one for the end point. You are allowed the flexibility to indicate these positions using several different methods. When you choose an option from the Position Menu, it stays active (indicated by an asterisk) until you exit the current function.


Position Menu Button Options:
KeyCreator Drafting General Position Menu

The Cursor position is projected to the current CPlane at the construction depth.


This setting uses the X, Y, Z coordinates of an existing point entity.


This setting uses the X, Y, Z coordinates of an indicated entity’s end point. The end of the polyline segment, entity, or closest to the cursor is used.


This setting uses the midpoint of an entity or center of an arc, circle, or ellipse.


This setting uses the intersection or potential intersection of two entities to locate a position. Intrsct supports all combinations of two geometric entities, points, lines, arcs, circles, conics, polylines, NURBS, and 2D and 3D splines, except for the combination of two points.


AlongE allows you to locate a position along any entity, using a distance you specify. Once you have selected the AlongE option, you will be prompted to choose an entity near the desired end point. Once you have done so, the Conversation bar will come up. In addition to a distance input field, a second position menu appears on the Conversation bar – MIDPT and From Position. If MIDPT is selected, the entity’s midpoint position will be used.When using From position you are further able to define the positioning (not just the midpoint..)

Two Pos

The Two Positions option allows you to specify a position at the midpoint of two specified positions. You are able to specify the two positions using the full Position Menu. When prompted for the first first position, the Backup button will return you to the standard Cursor option. When prompted for the second position, the Backup button will return you to the prompt for the first position. After you have specified the two positions, the final position will be placed at their midpoint.


Offset combines both the Polar and Delta options from previous versions. When Offset is selected, and after you specify the first position, four button options appear in the Position Menu: Delta, Polar, Cylind, and Sphere. These are used to enter offset values in the Cartesian, polar, cylindrical and spherical coordinate systems. The cylindrical and spherical coordinate systems are 3D versions of the polar coordinate system, which describes a position on a cylinder of radius "R" at an angle "A" and at a height "H." The spherical coordinate system describes a position on a sphere of radius "R" at an angle "A" in the XY plane, and at an elevation angle "PHI."

Key In 

This setting Uses Cartesian coordinates, X, Y, Z values, that you specify to locate a position. Note, also, that you can convert units "on the fly." For instance, if you were to open an inches file and use the Curve>Line>By Endpoints function and enter a Key in value of 25.4mm (for the X coordinate), that value would then automatically be converted to "1" (inch). Such a conversion will occur for all units and anywhere that the calculator-type edit field is displayed.

The Key In position is either in CPlane or World Coordinates, depending on the Construction mode switch. When in CPlane mode, the position is relative to the origin of the CPlane, which is not necessarily the same as the World origin.


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