What is STEP?

The Standard for the Exchange of Product Model Data (STEP) is an internationally recognized standard (ISO 10303) for the translation of design data between different CAD/CAM systems in a neutral format


Application Protocols:

Application Protocols are standards that were developed to describe the products of a particular industry in complete detail. To do this, the STEP standard covers geometry, topology, tolerances, assemblies, configuration and other information that represents the product’s entire life cycle including design, analysis, manufacture, quality control etc.

KeyCreator currently supports the two most commonly used application protocols, AP203 and AP214. These are defined as:

AP203 - Configuration controlled 3D designs of mechanical parts and assemblies.

AP214 - Core data for automotive mechanical design processes. Products of automotive manufacturers and suppliers including parts, tools and their assemblies are within the scope of AP214


Conformance Classes:

Conformance Classes define the different types of representations of the shape of a part. KeyCreator supports various conformance classes (CC1, CC2, CC3, CC4, CC5, CC6).

CC1 - Configuration controlled design information without shape information

CC2 - Shapes represented by geometrically bounded wireframe models, surface models, or both. 

CC3 - Shapes represented by wireframe models with topology

CC4 - Shapes represented by manifold surface models with topology.

CC5 - Shapes represented by faceted boundary representations (B-Rep)

CC6 - Shapes represented by advanced boundary representations (B-Rep) support, also, of both Wireframe and solid entities.


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