Conversion Options for Reading CADKEY Files
When you attempt to open/import a CADKEY PRT (Part) or PTN (Pattern) file in KeyCreator, a dialog appears. Through this dialog, you can specify how to convert the geometry in the file as well as select a template file for any new settings that did not exist in the old file. The options contained in this dialog are explained below:
Convert Everything as Plain Geometry
When this option is selected, the opened drawing will look the same as in previous versions. However, dimensions and ADM symbols will be converted to notes, leaders, and witness lines. Section Views will be converted to layout geometry, and Hidden Line instances to wireframe instances with attribute changes. These will not update when changes are made to the geometry, nor can they be edited with specialized editing tools. To edit these items, they will need to be deleted and recreated.
Convert Selected Items to their KeyCreator Equivalents
When this option is selected, the items you select may look different or have different values in KeyCreator than in previous versions due to editing that can not be recognized or preserved in the new format. Drawings will need to be checked for accuracy, and modified appropriately. These items can be edited with specialized editing tools, and will update automatically when changes are made to the geometry, as if they were native to KeyCreator.
Convert Dimensions to the new Associative Form – When checked, all dimensions in the file will be converted to their associative KeyCreator equivalents. You can elect to replace existing text with dimension values determined by KeyCreator by selecting the Replace Existing Text… checkbox.
Convert ADM Symbols to the new form using Stored Data – When checked, any ADM symbols in the file will be converted to their KeyCreator equivalents using the stored data in the file. This is the same data that is used when the DRAFT-PAK or ADM Edit or Move function is used on the symbol.
Convert Section Views to the new form and Reprocess with the Latest Geometry – When checked, any section views in the file will be converted to the KeyCreator equivalent and reprocessed with the latest KeyCreator geometry.
Convert Hidden Line Instances to the new form and the Current Default Attributes – When checked, hidden line instances will be converted to the KeyCreator equivalent, using the current default attributes.
ADM symbols that ARE NOT converted during the initial conversion process from *.PRT to *.CKD can be manually converted using the Convert from ADM function.
Convert All Items to their KeyCreator Equivalents
When this option is selected, all items in the file will be converted to their KeyCreator equivalents.
Template File used for New Settings that didn’t exist in the Old Format
Specify a template file to be used for any new settings that did not exist in the version to which the file is native.