SolidWorks Import Options Dialog


Through this dialog, you are able to adjust settings that effect the import of a SolidWorks file.

Dialog Options:

KeyCreator Import Solidworks

Assembly Instance Translation Options (Solidworks 2004 and later formats only)
  • Translate Hidden Instances – When checked ON, hidden instances in the Solidworks file will be translated.

  • Translate Suppressed Instances – When checked ON, suppressed instances in the Solidworks file will be translated.

Options to Handle Part Files with Multiple Configurations

Translate All Configurations- will allow the import of any alternate configuration from the default and will separate each onto a unique level.

Translate Default Configuration Only- will ignore all configuration except the default configuration and place on a single level (named Solidworkslayer 0 .)

Directory Location of Parts Referenced by Assembly
  • Prompt for Part Reference Directory – When selected, a second dialog will appear once the import file is selected requesting a folder containing the parts referenced by the assembly.

  • Same Directory as Assembly File – When selected, it will be assumed that the folder in which the assembly resides will contain referenced parts.

  • Browse for Directory – When selected, you will be able to browse for the folder that contains the referenced parts.

Common Import Options


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