
The following are the rules that the program follows for variables:

  • The system variables recognize and store only floating point, double precision, numeric values, even if you originally set an integer constant.

  • You can use arrays only if you have initialized them with a KXL program. You can't use the calculator to initialize arrays. See the KXL.DOC or KXL.HLP on the CD for more information on initializing arrays.

  • With the KXL Export Precision field in the Miscellaneous page of the Set Configurations dialog box, you choose the maximum number of variables that you can set at one time. This dialog can be accessed from Tools>Options pull-down submenu.

  • You can create variable names up to 12 characters long. Each variable name must start with an alphanumeric or underscore character so the program will recognize it. Variable names are case sensitive, so robin and ROBIN refer to different variables.

  • A number of reserved variables that you can use with the calculator are stored in the program.

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