Reserved Variables
@cdlname (most recently accessed KXL filename)
@cdlpath (directory path of KXL files)
@color (current color)
@const (current system status of 2D/3D construction switch)
@depth (current depth setting)
@dflt (last value entered on the prompt line)
@dimht (current system text height for dimensions)
@dimscale (current system dimension scale)
@dxfname (most-recently accessed DXF filename)
@error (KXL/calculator error number)
@fltdat[] (array used to return floating point data)
@intdat[] (array used to return integer data)
@key (character code for last key hit)
@lastvw (number of the last view added to the database)
@level (current system level)
@levels[] (displayed levels mask array)
@ltype (current line type)
@lwidth (current line width)
@noteang (current system note text angle)
@noteht (current system note text height)
@nread (number of data items read with last READ command)
@numflt (number of items currently in @fltdat array)
@numint (number of items currently in @intdat array)
@numpal (number of palette colors graphics controller supports)
@numstr (number of items currently in @strtdat array)
@palb[256] (current system color palette BLUE values, where: palb[n] = BLUE value (between 0 and 255) for color palette index n)
@palg[256] (current system color palette GREEN values, where: )
@palg[n] (GREEN value (between 0 and 255) for color palette index n)
@palr[256] (current system color palette RED values, where)
@palr[n] = RED value (between 0 and 255) for color palette index n
@pen (current pen value)
@prtname (name of most recently accessed part filename)
@ptnname (name of most recently accessed pattern filename)
@scale (current system viewing scale)
@strdat[] (array used by many KXL functions to return string data)
@txtasp (current system text aspect ratio for) note/dimension text
@units (current system units mode, English or Metric)
@view (current system view number)
@vwwld (current system status of view/world switch)
@xcursor (current X cursor location)
@xmax (X maximum coordinate of current viewport window)
@xmin (X minimum coordinate of current viewport window)
@xview (last X coordinate value returned by the Position Menu (view coordinates)
@xworld (last X coordinate value returned by the Position Menu (world coordinates)
@ycursor (current Y cursor location)
@ymax (Y maximum coordinate of current viewport window)
@ymin (Y minimum coordinate of current viewport window)
@yview (last Y coordinate value returned by the Position Menu (view coordinates)
@yworld (last Y coordinate value returned by the Position Menu (world coordinates)
@zview (last Z coordinate value returned by the Position Menu (view coordinates)
@zworld (last Z coordinate value returned by the Position Menu (world coordinates)
@1-@10 (numeric values currently displayed on the prompt line, in order of their appearance)