Feature Control Frame Attributes Tab

Feature Control Frame Dialog Attributes Tab

The Attributes page in all dialog boxes allows you to set color and pen attributes, and specify a level destination for the symbols being created. In order to change the attributes, you must enable them by checking the appropriate checkbox.


Dialog Options:

KeyCreator Pro Detail Feature Control Attributes


  • Width - Allows you to set a new line width attribute. To set this attribute, simply select the desired width.

  • Style - Allows you to set a new line style attribute. To set this attribute, simply select the desired style.

  • Color - Allows you to assign a new color attribute. To set this attribute, simply select the desired color square.

  • Level - Select a new active level from the drop-down menu.

  • Set From Ent - Allows you to apply attributes from another entity, by selecting the entity whose attributes you want to use.

  • Flag/Pen - Allows you to assign a new flag/pen number. To set this attribute, simply select the desired flag/pen number.

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