Transform Copy


This option copies selected entities and performs a selected transformation.

  • Creates copies on the active level and retains the attributes of the original geometry.

  • Saves all nongeometric data relating to the entities.

  • If the transformation does not change a grouped entity's scale or shape, the program automatically creates new subgroups when you choose this option. Each copy contains the same number of new subgroups as the original geometry.

    For example, use Rotate to make three copies of geometry containing three subgroups. Each copy contains three new subgroups, for a total of nine new subgroups.

  • All options, except Mirror, Project Normal and Project Skewed, let you create as many copies as you want in one operation. The selected transformation is performed for a given copy to the results of the previous copy.

    For example, translate geometry by x=3, y=0, and z=0 in View 1 and specify two copies. This creates two copies of the original geometry. Each point is three units away from the preceding geometry.


Above > Original and Two Copies

Transforming Grouped Entities:

If you select Scale Full, Scale Axes, Scale Unidirectional, Project Normal, or Project Skewed, and at least one grouped entity, the following menu will appear:


  • Group - Creates one new group per copy for each group that contains at least one selected entity. After the selected transformation is performed, you are prompted for new group names as the program copies the member entities. Each new group has the same subgroup structure as the original group, but it does not contain empty subgroups.

  • Subgroup - Creates one new subgroup per copy for each selected entity and then continues with the process.

  • Entity - Ungroups all copies.

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