Unigraphics Import
The Import Unigraphics function reads in freeform solid and surface 3D geometry directly from UnigraphicsÒ (*.PRT) files. The translator allows filtering based on layer display status and entity blanked status. (Unigraphics is a registered trademark of Unigraphics Solutions Corporation.)
Supported Versions:
NOTE: KeyCreator includes the capability to import and export the Parasolid™ (.x_t) file format which is a native model format for Unigraphics, SolidEdgeÒ, SolidWorksÒ and other CAD/CAM systems. This format is an effective mechanism to send model data back into Unigraphics.
- RGB color attributes of the Unigraphics entities are translated.
- Option to import ALL or just the visible layers.
- Option to import blanked/hidden entities from the imported layers.
- Progress dialog with details of the Unigraphics file version, file type and information about layers and category of the entities in the file.
- Support for point entity translation.
- Support for assemblies.
To view dialog options or steps on how to import an Unigraphics file, click the appropriate link below: