Right-Click Menu Options

The following options are available only from right-click Context Sensitive Menu that appears when you right-click on either a model or file in the Design Files Tree Window Design Pane.

Select All

Highlights all references in window for actions such as Load Selected.


The Unload option is available in the context sensitive menu that appears when you right click on a part in the Design Files window. When selected, the model will be un-loaded, or closed. It will remain, however, listed in the Design Files window hierarchy.


The Reload option is available in the context sensitive menu that appears when you right click on either a part or file in the Design Files window. When selected, the part file will be closed and re-opened.


Rename the selected reference part.


Delete the selected reference part from assembly file.

Edit Part

Open part file containing the selected reference to edit.

New Part

The New Part option is available from the context sensitive menu that appears when you right click on a file in the Design Files window. When selected, a new part will be added to the selected file, and will appear in that file’s hierarchy in the Design Files window.

New Part by Template

The New Part by Template option is available from the menu that appears when you right click on a file in the Design Files window. When you select this option, a new part will be created using the properties of a saved template that you select, and added to the hierarchy in the Design Files window.

Create Reference

Create a new reference within the currently selected reference (listed as a sublevel reference.)

Hide All References

When a part reference is hidden  its visual representation is replaced with a bounding cuboid that retains the color attribute of the hidden part reference.

Suppress All References

When you suppress a part reference it will be hidden from view and the entities belonging to the suppressed part reference are "removed" from the part.

Unhide All References

Restores the visual representation of all references. 

Expand Completely

Displays an expanded view of all columns in the Assembly Tree.

Collapse Completely

Displays only the root level reference columns in the Assembly Tree.


Opens Edit Part Reference dialog which has tabs for Rendering, Settings Attributes and Standard/User Properties.

An unhandled error has occurred. Reload 🗙