PartRefs Window

The PartRefs (Part References) tree shares a splitter window with the Levels List that is part of the part document frame. This display is intended as a means of organizing your part references, their attributes and their associations with other parts.

Several right-click Context Sensitive Menus are available from this window.

See View>Levels for information on the contents of the Levels Window and right-click menu.


PartRefs Window Column Descriptors:

KeyCreator Drafting Assembly Part Reference Window

Reference Name

This is where the name of the part reference (the instance) is displayed. It defaults to the name of the referenced part. This can be used to distinguish among references to the same part. The Rename option in the right-click Context Sensitive Menu can be used to change this name.

Reference To File

The file name of the referenced part. If this is empty, the referenced part is in the same file as the active part. If this path is a relative path, it is relative to the active part.

Reference to Part

The name of the part that is being referenced.

Level Set

The name of the level set that is being referenced. (See "Level Sets Tab" in Part Splitter Window.)


If selected, the part reference will follow a relative path structure (See Create Reference for requirements of relative paths.) This differs from an absolute path structure which is a more rigid file path structure.


When a part reference is hidden (check box selected), its visual representation is replaced with a bounding cuboid that retains the color attribute of the hidden part reference.


When you suppress a part reference (check box selected), it will be hidden from view and the entities belonging to the suppressed part reference are "removed" from the part.


When a part reference is lightweight (check box selected), the geometric data for that reference is not loaded into memory. A lightweight display is used instead. (See Lightweight for more information.) The first step is to insure that the Stream is checked on in the Level Sets Tab for the level set that the reference belongs to (you will receive a warning otherwise and although the check box will appear, it will be grayed out.) On imports of assembly files the options tab defaults to 'Make part references lightweight' and will automatically turn on streaming.

Display Details

Toggle on or off details contained in reference for the instance.


The color attribute is displayed here. This attribute will be set on the entire display of the instance when set.


The flag (pen) attribute is displayed here. This attribute will be set on the entire display of the instance when set.


The line style is displayed here. This attribute will be set on the entire display of the instance when set.


The line width attribute is displayed here. This attribute will be set on the entire display of the instance when set.

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