Tree Window

KeyCreator Drafting Tree Window

The Tree Window features tabbed panes: Design Files, File Explorer, Verify Tree and NC Tool Path. This window is dockable, and can be moved from its default location once it has been activated. Display of this window is toggled on/off through the View>Control Bars submenu. The active tab in the tree window is saved in the workspace file, and restored when the workspace file is reopened. It is also saved to the registry for when no workspace file is used, or the workspace file does not include a value for the active tab. Following is a description of each pane in the Tree Window.


Design Files:

The Design Files tab displays a tree structure of all open design files, as well as the model(s) and layout(s) that they contain. Inside the Tree Window, the active part is marked with a red checkmark, similar to the way active levels are distinguished in the Levels window. The active part name is displayed in bold text.


If you have a .CKD file open that contains a drawing layout (or multiple layouts), the layouts will appear in the window as a subset of the Part. You can right-click on the layout name and choose "Open" to load the layout. You can also rename and delete the layout from this right-click menu. See the Layout Mode section for more information on drawing layouts.

You can right-click on the Part name and choose "Edit Part" to exit layout mode and return to modeling mode.

File Explorer:

The File Explorer tab allows you to view the drives, files and folders on the computer, similar to the explorer pane in Windows Explorer. All of the files that match the extensions recognized by the File Open function are listed.

Right clicking on any node in the tree will display a context menu with two options: Browse Mode and Properties. The Properties option will display the properties dialog, like Windows Explorer. Browse Mode will toggle File Browsing Mode on/off (see below).

The Browse Mode toggle can also be accessed by the following methods:

  • Menus: Edit>System Settings>File Explorer Browse Mode

  • SDK: ck_set or ck_inquire (CK_SET_FILE_EXPLORER_BROWSE, nValue)


Right clicking on a file node in the tree will display a context menu that also has an Open option, which allows you to open the file.

When in File Browsing Mode, left-clicking on a file in the tree will open that file. In addition, if the active part is not modified, the file is automatically closed. Any file opened in the File Explorer window while in Browse mode will be autoscaled.





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