KeyCreator / Modify / Surface



The functions available from the Modify>Surface submenus allow you to dramat ically alter the shape of a surface without having to recreate the surface altogether.


Use this function to modify the surface math basis of the selected surface from Bi-cubic spline to NURB or vice-versa.

Trim Surface Boundary

Surface Boundary trimming builds Procedural Trimmed Surfaces.


This function allows you to remove all trim boundaries of a trimmed surface and recovers the original untrimmed surface.

Break Surface

Break divides the surface into two new surfaces along the U or V seam that extends across the surface.

Truncate Surface

Use this function to reduce the amount of information required for surface storage by eliminating general areas that are not needed.

Extend Surface

The Extend Surface function adds a row of patches along the selected boundary of the surface.

Match Surface Edges

Matching edges of surfaces increases the fidelity of the surface model by eliminating gaps caused by curve fit approximations, and forces surfaces to become perfectly tangential to one another when this is the design intent.

Match Nurbs Surface Edges Dialog Options

Match NURBS Surface Edges Dialog Options


This function allows you to regenerate the surface geometry of a face.