Associative Geometry and Measured Value Required

Associative Geometry and Measured Value Required

It will be important to understand the following when this setting is selected:

  • All dimensions must represent a geometrical measurement in the part.

  • You are not allowed to edit the value or text of a dimension.

  • Dimensions can only be created from positions that are directly associated with geometry. A dimension cannot be placed by Cursor. However, the Cursor Position Menu option remains active to allow for the use of the Position Snap*Position_Snap_Selection.  Dimensions placed by Position Snap are attached.

  •  If modifying or deleting an entity causes its related dimensions to become non-associated, those dimensions are deleted.

Importing Un-Attached and Non-Associated Dimensions:

If you attempt to load a file with non-associated dimensions while Associative geometry required; Measured value required is enabled, a warning dialog appears. To bypass the warning when a file containing non-associaed dimensions is encountered, select Don’t show this message again from the dialog. The button you select is remembered as your ”answer” to this dialog the next time the warning dialog would be encountered.

  • YES - If selected, the file continues loading, but the dimensions arenot loaded.  This dialog reappears for the next non-associated dimension that is encountered.

  • YES ALL – If selected, the file continues to load, but the dimensions do not load with the file. This dialog  reappears when the next part is loaded, but it does not reappear for the next dimension found.

  • NO – If selected, the part does not continue to load. To load this part with non-associated dimensions, close all other parts and change the setting to Associative geometry not required; Non-measured value allowed in the Tools>Options>Dimensions dialog pane.

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