Help About

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This help section deals with general information on the Kubotek product being used. The information is useful in finding license information, current version, date of install and account information.

Help About Dialog
KeyCreator Help About dialog 2
Kubotek Application type

Lists the exact application installed.

Type — KeyCeator, other types include Viewer, Validate...

Release — The major release designation, here listed as 2020 (past versions include 2019...)

Build — The exact development build of the product, listed above as build (6568.)

Release Version —  Breaks down into Major (V17 listed above), update releases during product cycle (the .1 designation listed above) and any minor releases to the update (the .o above signifies no minor releases during this .1 update.)

This information is useful when searching for upgrades to current products and troubleshooting issues with our support personal.

License Level

Since there can be many levels to a given Kubotek product a listing of the currently installed level is given here. Each level has a unique code (listed above SB = Keycreator standard translators.) The numbers in parenthesis indicate the last build date license support (after this date no new builds will be supported by the install.)

More Button

This will list individual build numbers for key component of the Kubotek product in use. This can be useful when troubleshooting any issues with the product (use Copy to copy the information to the Windows clip board so it can be Edit>Paste into documents or emails.)

Date Stamp

Signifies the date of install of this application on the computer.


Lists the unique  account number generated for each customer. A large company will have a unique account number that will typically list a primary contact and many additional contacts for the given account. The account number is needed in order to use our Customer Login (contact name, account number and password ) and communicating with support or sales.

Serial Number

This is a unique identifier which is linked to the account (helps track a purchase.)

Hardware I.D.

This is a generated code that the license is locked to for a given install.

Expiration Date

This is the date of expiration for use of the given product as designated by the contract terms.

Products Incorperated in Software

Lists all products that are used within the software and their registered trademarks.


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