Conic from 4 Positions

KeyCreator Pro Create Conic 4 Positions


Use this feature to create a conic based on indicated positions for four points on the conic and the slope of the conic at one of the indicated points.

When creating this type of conic, keep the following things in mind:

  • You cannot indicate coincident positions.

  • Definition of the conic must include the slope of the conic at one or two of the indicated positions. For more information, see Defining the Slope.

  • You cannot direct the tangent vector that defines the slope of the conic at a selected position toward any of the other positions that you indicated in defining the entity.

  • In 2D construction mode, the indicated points and the slope are projected to the current construction plane. It creates the conic in the current construction view, at the depth that was active when you defined the slope.

  • In 3D construction mode, the conic is created in the plane that is defined by the first three indicated positions. The end point and the tangent vector are projected to this plane.

Using the Function:
  1. Select Conic from 4 Positions from the Create>Conic submenu.

  2. Indicate start, second, third, and end positions for the conic.

  3. Enter the point number to assign the slope to.

  4. Define the slope of the conic at the point selected in step 3.

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