KeyCreator / Tools / Machinist / Path



Path Overview


Use the Setup feature to specify the default parameters for the machining process.

Machining Tools

Use this feature to create a tool list for the machining process.

Adding a New Tool

Adding a New Tool


After selecting a cutting tool, you are required to specify the part geometry to be machined.

Containment Boundary

Path Containment Boundary Selection

Avoidance Boundary

Path Avoidance Boundary Selection

Paths (Toolpath Organizer)

This function provides a tool  to display and organize a list of the toolpaths in the active file.

Path Info

Use this feature to display the diameter, radius and name specific to a toolpath.

Delete Toolpath

Use this feature to delete a toolpath.


Use this feature to post-process a toolpath and create a G-code file.

NC File Program List

NC File Program List


Use this feature to animate a toolpath.

Copy Toolpath

Use this feature to make multiple copies of a toolpath using reference points.

Rotate Toolpath

Use this feature to make multiple copies of a toolpath by rotating a copy of the original around a specified position.

Regenerate Toolpath

Use this function to update or modify an existing tool path's geometry, tool or parameters used in tool path.

Process Sheet

Use this feature to create a job process sheet once your toolpaths have been posted to files.

Extra Information Dialog

Extra Information Data for Process Sheet