KeyCreator / Detail / Overview



The features available from the Detail menus can be used to customize, create, apply and modify various detailing entities.

Fit Tolerance Database

Detail Fit Tolerance Database CSV File

Using Custom Fonts

Follow the steps below to use custom fonts.

Vertical and Horizontal

Vertical and Horizontal Dimension Setup

Using Detail Style Editor

Using Detail Options

Notes on Detailing

Notes on Detailing

Text Editor Symbols

Special symbols that are used in drafting are accessible from the Symbols button in the Create a New Note dialog box. 

Detail Edit Dialog Options

Detail Edit Dialog Options

Detail Settings Interaction with Detail Options

Detail Settings Interaction with Detail Options

Part Settings Interaction with Detail Style Editor

Part Settimgs Interaction with Detail Options

Special Symbols for Dimension Text

Special Symbols Defined

Format Strings

System Time Field Note and Time Formating for Printing

Attachment and Associativity

Detail Attachment to Entities and Associativity

Field Notes

The list of field notes below appears when FIELDS is selected from the Create a New Note dialog.