KeyCreator / View / Advanced Render


Perspective View

Use the Perspective View setting to enlarge close objects, as well as decrease the size of far-off objects.

Perspective Setting

Use this feature to set the parameters for the Perspective Viewing function through the Perspective Setting window that appears (see below) when the feature is selected from the View Menu.


This function displays a shadow effect cast by 3D bodies (solids, surfaces, and shells) onto the world XY plane at the lowest depth of any visible entities.

Shadow Map

Shadow Mapping

Reflection Plane

This function displays a softened mirror reflection of the model.

Camera Light

Use this function to toggle the use of camera light on and off.

Light Markers

Use this function to toggle the use of light markers on and off.

Light Intensity

Use this function to toggle use of light intensity on and off.

Light Direction

The Light Direction function allows you to control the direction of light shining on a shaded model to give the effect you desire.

Toggle Environment Map

Use this function to set an environment map by browsing for an image to be reflected on a solid during shading.

Toggle Zebra Analysis

Use this function to evaluate the surface quality and smoothness of a model, using a zebra-pattern image that you specify.