KeyCreator / Window



The Window>Split function allows you to divide the viewport into multiple document windows.

Previous Pane

This function and Next Pane allow you to move the active viewport to the previous or next viewport.

Next Pane

This function and Previous Pane allow you to move the active viewport to the next or previous viewport.


Use the Window Cascade function to position multiple open windows in a cascade effect.

Tile Horizontally

The Window Tile Horizontally option can be used to tile multiple documents one atop another, horizontally.

Tile Vertically

The Window Tile Vertically option can be used to tile multiple documents one beside another, vertically.

Arrange Icons

When document windows are minimized, an icon for the minimized file(s) will be created and placed in the viewport behind the windows currently open.

Open Window

The names of any open windows are listed in the Window pull-down menu below the "Arrange Icons" function.

Windows Dialog

The Windows feature is a useful tool when several files are open at one time.