Dimensions Angular Dimensions Pane

KeyCreator / Detail / Settings / Options / Dimensions Angular Dimensions Pane


The following describes the buttons on this pane.
KeyCreator Detail Settings Style Editor Angular Dimensions Dialog

Get from Existing Entity

If you already have dimensions on the currently displayed part, this button allows you to use these to set default settings for that part.

Get from Annotations

Makes all the applicable options the same as those of Annotations dimensions

Get from ArcLength

Makes all the applicable options the same as those of arclength dimensions

Get from Circular

Makes all the applicable options the same as those of circular dimensions

Get from Linear

Makes all the applicable options the same as those of linear dimensions

Get from Ordinate

Makes all the applicable options the same as those of ordinate dimensions

Angular Dimensions Subnodes:

Descriptions of elements on the  remaining local panes are the same as those described for the corresponding common panes: Primary units, Detailing lines, Formatting.

All local panes have the Clear local options button that allows you to clear all options on that pane with one click.

Detail Attributes

Elements on this local pane also appear on the System Attributes pane (Edit>System Settings>Attributes). Click System Attributes for explanations of these elements.