KeyCreator / Modify / Solid Face / Transform Faces

KeyCreator Pro Modify Solid Face Transform


Use this local edit function to transform faces of a solid through rotation or displacement. The faces do not need to be planar. The Revolve a Face of a Solid function is a more powerful function for rotating planar faces. The Extrude a Face of a Solid function is another method of displacing only faces.

NOTE: The faces do not need to be planar for rotation or displacement.

Using the Function:

Follow the steps below to use the Face>XForm Faces function. The number of steps will vary depending upon the method you select.

  1. Select Transform from the Modify>Solid Face submenu.

  2. The Transform Faces of a Solid dialog appears. To continue and use the incremental menu (below), select the Preview and Modify Faces Interactively setting and click OK. Or, work through the dialog.

  3. Select the transform method. The Old New or Delta X-Y-Z options will displace the selected faces. The Rotate option will rotate the selected faces using a rotation angle and axis you will be prompted for.

  4. Select the faces to be XFormed.

  5. If Delta had been selected, additional options will appear on the Conversation Bar that will allow you to adjust the Delta increment. These options will only appear when Preview and Modify Faces Interactively is checked in the dialog.

  • Keyin – Allows you to specify a keyin value.

  • + Delta – Click this button to increase the delta value by 2.

  • - Delta – Click this button to decrease the delta value by 2.

  • Done - Click on this button once you are pleased with the Delta results.

Dialog Options:

When Transform Faces is selected, a dialog appears. You can disable the dialog and work interactively using the incremental options by selecting the Preview and Modify Faces Interactively setting. If you prefer to work through the dialog, leave the setting unchecked. The available settings are discussed below:
KeyCreator Modify Solid Face Transfom Face Dialog

Transform Method

Specify transform method by selecting one of the available options: Delta XYZ, Old-New or Rotate by Angle.

Preview and Modify Faces Interactively

When checked, the original and modified solids will be displayed in shaded mode, and one of the two is drawn transparent. The dialog will exit when you select OK, and you will be able to work interactively using the incremental menu.

Below > A body shown before and after the Transform function was used.

KeyCreator Modify Solid Face Transform example


KeyCreator Modify Solid Face Transform example 2

Below > A second example.

KeyCreator Modify Solid Face Transform example 3


KeyCreator Modify Solid Face Transform example 4