Parasolid Export Options Dialog

KeyCreator / File / Export / Parasolid Export / Parasolid Export Options Dialog

The following settings are available from the Parasolid Export Options dialog. When you have finished making your selections in the dialog box, click on the OK button option.

Dialog Options:

KeyCreator Export XT options


This pull-down list can be used to choose the version of Parasolid you wish to use when writing the .X_T or .X_B file.  This is important if you are exporting Parasolid files for use in systems that are based on older Parasolid versions. 

Binary File Save Mode
  • Machine Dependent (default) - Select this option if you are saving the entities to a Parasolid Binary File *.X_B) and want the saved file to be machine dependent

    Machine Dependent binary files can only be read back on the same type of machine as that on which they were written."

  • Machine Independent - Select this option if you are saving the entities to a Parasolid Binary File *.X_B and want the saved file to be machine independent

NOTE: This switch only applies when you are exporting a Parasolid binary file (.x_b) instead of a Parasolid text file (.x_t)

Heal Model After Conversion

If this option is checked ON (default), the resulting parasolid entities are healed using the Parasolid kernel.

Verify Parasolid Entities Generated

If this option is checked ON, the resulting parasolid entities are checked and any errors found on them are reported as part of the data in a progress dialog.

Export Planes and Vectors as Burst Wireframe Geometry

When selected, planes and vectors are exported as burst wireframe geometry.

Indicate Exported Geometry Base Location

When selected, you are prompted to select the origin for the entities to be exported. When cleared, the default origin (0, 0, 0) is used.

Export Entities Relative to Active Construction Plane

When selected, the entities are transformed so they are relative to the active construction plane.

NOTES: When exporting a Parasolid file, the selected entities are scaled to meters (default Parasolid units) before saving the file. There is no provision to set the units information in a Parasolid file. Topology changes may arise in the following situations: Non-manifold solids or sheet bodies may be converted to two or more manifold solids or sheet bodies. Multi-lump solids or sheet bodies may be separated to two or more single lump solids or sheet bodies. Multi-shell solids or sheet bodies may be converted to two or more solids or sheet bodies. In general, it is probably best to export as a text file to ensure compatibility when translating between systems.