KeyCreator / Transform / Scale / Scale Full


Using the Scale>Scale Full>Move, Copy, and Join functions, you can increase or decrease the size of selected entities by changing their entity data. The Scale Full functions move each position on the selected entities, changing the size of the geometry, but not its shape. When using these functions, remember the vector from the base position to the moved position is the scale factor multiplied by the vector from the base position to the original position.

Using the Function:

Select Scale Full>Move, Copy, or Join (see icons below) from the Transform>Scale submenu.
 KeyCreator Transform Scale Move Scale Full>Move

          KeyCreator Transform Scale Copy Scale Full>Copy

           KeyCreator Transform Scale Join Scale Full>Join

  1. Select the entities you intend to scale.

  2. If either Copy or Join is selected, you must enter the number of copies to be created.

  3. Indicate a base position, or scaling origin. This point remains stationary in the transformation.

  4. Enter a scale factor (remember that it cannot be zero). The transformation is performed.

KeyCreator Transform Scale example 1

Above > An example of Scale Full