KeyCreator Prime / Solid / Face Topology / Prune

KeyCreator Prime Solid Face Prune


Use the Prune function to extract a body from a list of selected faces. The faces must be removable in order for this operation to be successful.

Prune offers two different options: Cut and Copy. Using Copy, you can create a solid body from the list of selected faces without changing the original solid. The Cut option can be used to create a solid body from the list of selected faces, while removing those faces from the original solid.


Using the Function:
  1. Select Prune from the Solid>Face Topology Ribbone area.

  2. Select Copy or Cut from the option menu that appears on the Conversation Bar.

  3. Select the set of faces from which you intend to make a solid body. It may be useful to use the chain select option to select a list of faces that constitute a feature (Hole, Boss, Pocket, etc.).