KeyCreator Prime / Detail / Detail Line / Cutting Plane / Cutting Plane Line

KeyCreator Prime Detail Cutting Plane


Use the Cutting Plane Line feature to establish a cutting line through a section view using a line entity and the settings that are available from the Cutting Plane Line dialog.

When creating cutting plane lines, keep the following in mind:

  • When a cutting plan line is deleted, the section view is also deleted. When the primary instance is deleted, the cutting plane line and the derived section are also deleted.

  • Cutting plane lines can be modified. When modifications are made, the section view updates automatically to reflect the changes.

  • Cutting plane lines are like dimensions in that they attach to geometry and move or change shape as the geometry changes.

  • Selecting the detail line and use the right click menu Format to edit either cutting plane lines or section views. When moving the location of a cutting plane line, you are required indicate which plane to move using a red marker.


To view information on a Cutting Plane Lines topic, click the appropriate link below:

Dialog Options (Cutting Plane Line Pane)

Dialog Options (Format Pane)

Editing Cutting Plane Lines